workplace eyecare

Corporate Services

In the working environment of today, given the ever-increasing expectations for efficiency
and performance, good vision is critical to ensuring the ability to produce results. We offer a full
corporate eye care facility. Most of the eyecare issues at work relate to working with VDU’s or the proven saftey specs. We are happy to negotiate for groups from small and large firms alike – email

VDU’s and your eyes

While there is no reliable evidence to suggest that long-term intensive use of VDU’s is damaging to the eyes, it is true that VDU users tend to complain more of eye strain. In addition to VDU’s, unsuitable lighting, poorly designed work areas and insufficient rest periods can all lead to eye fatigue.

The following tips will ensure your eyes are cared for as best as possible in the working environment:

Take frequent breaks

If your eyes are focused on a VDU screen for long periods, every 20 minutes or so it is important to give your eyes a break by focusing beyond the VDU screen to relax your eyes.

Screen Settings

  • Adjust your screen to a level you feel comfortable with
  • Keep your screen clean and dust free
  • Avoid screen reflection
  • Position the screen so that it is between 33 and 100cm from your eyes
  • Copy documents should be at roughly the same distance away as the screen

Try to eliminate glare from around your screen. As a rule:

  • Office lighting should be set at a level that allows the screen to be easily read
  • Avoid uncurtained windows directly in front or behind your desk
  • Windows reflecting onscreen should be fitted with a blind or curtain
  • Walls and desk surfaces should be non-reflective and neutral colours

Your legal entitlement as a VDU user 
If you are classified as a regular VDU user at work the following EC legislation established since 1993, places the following responsibilties on your employer:

  • Provide a full eye treatment free of charge on commencing work and regularly thereafter
  • Provide a free eye examination to you if you are experiencing visual problems possibly due to working with a VDU
  • Pay for a pair of basic glasses if it is shown that you require these specifically for VDU use
  • Provide adequate breaks or changes of activity
  • Provide health and safety training information relating to the workstation and keep you informed of the regulations relating to eyesight and work

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